
This is a featured post by Larry Li. If you didn’t say it with enough bounce you didn’t say it right. Larry is a sophomore doubling in IR and Econ, and enjoys video games, spending time with people, and digesting any World War II related works. As a California boy, Larry misses good cheap food, warm dry weather, and bubble tea so much that it gets a separate category.

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Psalms 37:23-24

Direction. It tends to be a rather important thing, especially when hiking through a forest with few recognizable landmarks. In thickly wooded areas it’s possible to see a few steps ahead and not much more at the best of times, and if the underbrush is dense even that becomes difficult. Often time, the only thing keeping you from being lost is a compass. A device not affected by your immediate surroundings, your perceptions, or network signal, but with its needle constantly anchored at due north. With it your direction is always clear, even if your path is not, and without it, you are doomed to wander the forest until you either die or get lucky.

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This is Serena Tang. She’s a sassy gal from an undisclosed location. She likes to stay in one place for long periods of time and eat. Someday she dreams of fighting kimono dragons barehanded and winning. She really likes trees and will someday be caught as a modern day tarazanian woman in the hills of New Zealand. 

My name is Serena Tang. I’m from Arlington, Texas. I go to Arlington High School. I’m a junior. I’m in orchestra. I’m in debate. I’m in IB. I –

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Finding Direction

This is a featured post by Iz Altman, a senior from just outside Charleston, South Carolina. She loves reading, writing, and anything to do with either. If you’re looking for writing advice, find her at the Writing Center.

Whenever I think of compass or path, I think of the compass in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. For those of you who don’t remember or may not have seen them, Captain Jack Sparrow has a compass which, at first glance, appears to be broken – because it doesn’t point north. Later we find out that actually, this particular compass isn’t supposed to point north. It’s supposed to point to the thing the person holding it wants most in this world.

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Shelter Soundscape

This is a featured soundscape (!) from Kevin Goldfarb, a senior who is a poli sci/film & media double major. He has two loves: Jesus & Newcastle United Football Club (in that order, mind you) and he leads the Chi Alpha Cohort.

On this piece: To me, home is a place where I can be by myself, undisturbed, and comfortable. With close friends and family nearby, and where I’m able to recharge. Preferably with a fireplace, a cozy armchair, and a shelf of books at hand.