TNW Reflection: God is Brilliant

This is a featured post by Becca Pugh. She has a heart for children and their education, from DC to Jordan. Known to show off her inner diva when Beyonce comes on, Becca is the perfect, yet unlikely, combination of a gentle heart and true diva. Connect with her on Facebook.

[Editor’s note: This post is a reflection based on the sermon at Thursday Night Worship this past week.Check out the sermon podcast here.]

Loving God and loving others creates a Legacy that Matters.

God loves us…a lot. 

God has created you for a reason.

“God loved me enough to tell me that I would never measure up.”

I am not the answers for anyone’s problems- Jesus is. 

You reap what you sow…and where you sow.

God is brilliant. 

A few weeks ago, I found out that I didn’t get the job I really had my heart set on for post-graduation. It hurt a lot because it was a big dream of mine, and I thought it was something that God was going to give me. When I imagined my life for the next couple of years, I pictured myself in a classroom, teaching students who are in desperate need of a quality education, and a chance to break free from the expected outcomes of their futures. I believe this issue is something very close to God’s heart, and close to mine too. However, things didn’t work out the way I expected them to. So, what does that mean for me now? 

Mike’s message at TNW last week really hit home for me. A Legacy that Matters isn’t necessarily what we’re doing, or how it measures up according to the world; it’s about loving God and loving others. Maybe one of my dreams didn’t come true in the way I thought it would, but that doesn’t mean I can’t leave a legacy that matters, or that God doesn’t have something else in store. 

Mike’s message reminded me of a simple truth: God is brilliant. He orchestrates our lives when we allow Him to, and He comes up with a better plan than we could ever think of. Our best thought on our best day still doesn’t even come close to the simplest of His thoughts. What a great reminder. 

Chapter 3 of Jonah tells an amazing story of how Jonah (after he finally decided to trust God) was used by God to bring a whole city to their knees in repentance. God used Jonah to pave the way for their salvation. God used Jonah to bring His message to a people that would otherwise perish. God loved them and Jonah A LOT. He saved Jonah twice so that they could be rescued. It is amazing how God desires for us to be a part of His awesome plans for other people’s lives.

It’s really hard for me to think about what I have to offer to this world. Sometimes, I feel like I don’t have anything at all, and other times I try to force myself to be someone. The truth is, God created me uniquely, for a unique purpose that will glorify Him and further His kingdom. It’s hard to believe this sometimes, especially when the world tells me I don’t measure up, or that I’m useless. But that’s ok, because I don’t measure up and I never will. Like Mike said, people don’t need me or what I have to offer- they need Jesus. So each day I can make the choice to surrender, and ask God to use me for his glory in people’s lives- to leave a legacy that matters. I can choose to love God and love people. 

I often forget that God cares way more about getting me where He wants me to go than I do. I may not know all of the steps ahead, or the bigger picture of God’s plan for my life, but I know He created me for a specific purpose. If I continue to follow and trust Him, I will get to live out that very special purpose.

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